Misconception #1: Our systems use calculations based on the sun's location and this formula is built into our tracker module so there is no need for an inclinometer.
Response: The algorithm (software program) is actually needed as a part of a closed loop measuring system. But without an absolute measuring device such as an inclinometer (tilt sensing device) you really don't know if the actual solar collector (be it module or panel) is really pointing in the right direction. The algorithm tells one where to point... the inclinometer says that yes indeed, you are actually pointing there. One can think of the algorithm as a map and the inclinometer as feet on the ground giving feedback.
0750 Series Dual Axis Inclinometer
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There are conditions that can affect whether or not the solar collector is pointing properly and an open loop system is not able to detect this condition. The items that affect an open loop system can be corrected in a closed loop system as follows:
Seismic movement of the solar collector/foundation: A good utility scale solar generator should be designed for at least a twenty year life, however over this life, things can happen. If the system simply drives the collector X amount of steps or counts, the position is simply inferred and not known. On the other hand, an inclinometer positioned on the collector gives the system an absolute position.
Wind buffeting: Utility scale solar collectors are large devices in which prevailing winds can induce mechanical and angular offsets and if there is not an absolute sensor (aka inclinometer) indicating the true angle then these offsets can affect the angular position. Again, an open loop system with no feedback cannot compensate for the prevailing wind condition.
0755 Series Dual Axis Electrolytic-based Inclinometer
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Lost transmission data: Sometimes data transmission can get corrupted or lost. Having an inclinometer onboard serves (as mentioned above), as a checking standard for knowing if you are pointing where you want to be pointing.
Lost power: This condition is very similar to lost transmission data. If there is no checking standard, such as an inclinometer to give feedback, then under a lost power scenario the system must be recalibrated, thus causing lost operational time. This might be done by going back to stow position and setting off reset switches, etc. The use of an inclinometer gives the absolute angular position as soon as power is returned. No need to reset the systems, therefore eliminating the need for expensive recalibration. |